Traditional Shirodhara

A temperate fluid flows pleasantly on the forehead and quickly induces a deep physical and mental relaxation accompanied by a state of mental silence and bliss.

The traditional technique requires bulky equipment:


The "Cristalmind" Shirodhara


Shirodhara Cristalmind is light, portable, automatic and allows everyone to benefit from this wonderful therapy.

Therapists appreciate the automatic device (time and temperature) and the speed with which a patient can be installed (2-3 minutes).

Professionals prefer the model for oil and medicalized oils and usually complete this model with the Kit to use the device with water. I use only water with my patients with the best results.

Coming out of this "heavenly" experience, you will be fit for the day. The repetition of this experience will decrease and gradually eliminate the stress and its negative side effects.

Cristalmind works with 12V current. Its transformer (110-230V) and (50-60Hz) adapt it to all countries.


  • Decreases mental exhaustion
  • Diminue l'épuisement psychique
  • Diminue l'anxiété;
  • Diminue le stress
  • Helps treat chronic insomnia
  • Is an aid to the treatment of certain problems
  • Decreases or cures headaches
  • Soothes mental agitation Stabilizes mood and depression disorders
  • Mental and Emotional Relaxation Therapy
  • Gives firmness to the body
  • Improve concentration, memory
  • Improves self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Helps to treat schizophrenia when used in conjunction with pharmacotherapy
  • Beneficial for epileptic seizures when used with other medications
  • Improves the appearance of the skin
  • Softens the face and wrinkles of anxiety <

    Eliminates negative impulses due to stress
  • Increases spiritual awareness
  • Soothes the body and relieves pain
  • darkens the body and mind
  • Reduces hypertension
  • Increases intuition
  • Improves poor digestion when it is linked to stress and anxiety
  • Shirodhara used with medical oils helps slow hair loss delay bleaching and cracking
  • Increases wellbeing
  • Sharpen the sense organs
  • balances the secretion of the endocrine glands
  • Regulates the respiratory rhythm.
  • . . . .


    & Bull; people suffering from stress. & Bull; people looking for a deep relaxation solution, by a simple and practical process. & Bull; people wanting to increase their concentration and intellectual performance and for your health (sportsman, manager, artist, student, etc.). & Bull; people looking to increase their well-being. & Bull; companies wanting to offer a way of relaxation to their employees and customers. & Bull; hospitals, clinics, medico-social establishments and health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, general practitioners, chiropractors, physiotherapists, etc.). & Bull; wellness industry, fitness, SPA, beauty salons, hotels, etc.

The traditional Shirodhara generally uses sesame oil, which presents some disadvantages. The pot must be filled regularly and the temperature of the oil is unstable. The oil is expensive and hygiene is difficult to maintain (table, material, head, hair). It requires a special massage table in order possible to collect the oil. An assistant isneeded to fill up the container and look after the patient. These manipulations produce noise which may disturb the patient. The presence of the assistant behind the head of the patient is not well accepted.

Replacing oil by water makes the technique unexpensive and simple, the overall relaxint effect being the same. Creation of a closed tempered water circuit with a pump and a heater creates an automatic and autonomous system. With the creation of Cristalmind Shirodhara this technique becomes available to anyone.


The Cristalmind WATER model works preferably with water but can also use other liquids such as infusions, decoctions, or any aqueous liquid. You can also add a few drops of essential oil in the water. Cirstalmind WATER can not work with oil. For oil, use the Cristalmind Oil model.

Stress is the primary cause or aggravating factor of many physical and psychic disorders:

Physical : fatigue, insomnia, headaches, migrain, cervical and dorsal pains, digestive troubles, nervousness,bronchial asthma, eczema, psoriasis, essential hypertension, acute articular rheuma, imunitary defficiency, etc. .

Psychic : fatigue, insomia, anxiety, depression, bulimia, negativism, low self esteme, decreased memory, problems of concentration, nervousness, etc.

Yes, but under the supervision of an adult.



Le Dr Martin

Dr. Bertrand Martin, a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lausanne in 1973, followed a particular career path. He specialized in Public Health in Guatemala where he obtained a Master degree in 1976, he then worked in Saudi Arabia, Guatemala and Mali, responsible for research and development programs.

Shirodhara is very effective in relieving stress and stress-related side effects such as burnout, insomnia, depression, emotional disturbances, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, thoughts excessive and nervousness
About Cristalmind Shirodhara

The Shirodhara Cristalmind is a portable device made with a high quality biodegradable polyethylene, a precise electronic unit controlling a quiet pump and heating. Its design is pure and ergonomic and every part of the device has been designed with the utmost care. . .

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